Vfp implements Big Data solutions in an agile and non-disruptive way, complementing the models and systems that the client already has, and contributing to the decision making with a balanced investment in time and costs, thinking about the future.

Big Data has entered organizations as a source of incalculable value to the business. It is the oil of the 21st century, but is it expensive? Is it within the reach of any organization? At vfp we know that yes. That is why our Big Data services and solutions help companies to quickly and scalablely go deep into Knowledge Discovery and Business Intelligence, turning complex data into key information to transform your business.


Big Data Services

We support organizations within the whole Life-Cycle of a Big Data project. From the definition of the most suitable methodology and strategy, to the development and deployment of the technical solution, helping to obtain the right data at the right time.

Agile and Scalability

We implement Big Data solutions in an agile and non-disruptive way. Our value lies in the ability to implement Big Data in an agile manner, realistic and adapted to the needs at all times, both evolving existing Business Intelligence systems and incorporating modular and scalable solutions that allow thinking in the future.

Multidisciplinary team

With end-to-end visibility of IT processes and systems. We have a team of multidisciplinary professionals, with end-to-end visibility of software processes and systems, and specifically trained in data analytics techniques, predictive models and Big Data technologies.

Technological specialization

Specialized in state-of-the art Big Data architectures and platforms. We are specialized in a wide range of technological solutions within the Big Data universe. In addition, we have partnerships with state-of-the-art providers in Cloud Computing infrastructures and data visualization tools.



Big Data begins with a question, a need to discover the internal knowledge we have and understand it, with the aim of improving our decision making. In vfp we help our clients to find an answer to that question, identifying the internal and external data sources that may be useful, analyzing and understanding them. All this in an agile cycle of value delivery in which we can discover new needs and answers.

We perform the treatment, storage and integration of high volumes of data whether structured, semi-structured and unstructured, and from various sources, both those already available and new ones that are not analyzed at present and can be key to the business: databases, logs and records of applications, internet and e-mail, mobile devices and IOT, social networks, etc.

Our multidisciplinary team of Data Science and Business Analysts performs both the exploration and descriptive analysis of data, as well as the creation and validation of predictive models, relying on statistical techniques and machine learning to add intelligence to data. Once done, our clients can process the data and visualize the results in real time, without waiting for overnight batch processes.

We design, prescribe and implement the technical architecture of the integrated Big Data platform, with storage systems either in local architectures or in Cloud Computing. We consider all the existing systems and technologies in the Big Data universe, we propose the most suitable ones and integrate them in a scalable way into the existing client’s ecosystem.

We incorporate advanced visualization tools in data analytics, for Dashboards and Reports that help us to a better decision making and, when it is necessary, in real time. We also recommend the use of tools to control, monitor and manage the Big Data architecture itself.

We offer you an end to end, fully configurable, data analysis service, from capture to visualization, with which your decisions will be supported by your data. Thanks to the Factory service, we offer you access to a well-sized and qualified multidisciplinary team, with a methodology and good practices across all our services, and the integration with other areas / services (such as RPA, IOT, Software Development, etc.) that can help to enrich the data or decisions.