DevOps seeks to promote a highly productive collaborative culture between the development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams, with the goal of eliminating restrictions, reducing the times of each development cycle, and facilitating the success of applications deployment into production. All with the highest quality and the lowest possible cost.

The deep transformation processes in which most organizations are immersed, mean that the development of applications is a process of continuous change, with demanding delivery times, rapid prototyping and multidisciplinary teams focused on delivering value to the Customer. In this scenario, the new DevOps services are a fundamental element because they align the so-called IT Infrastructure services, oriented directly to hardware, software and communications elements, with software construction activities, changing by nature. It is a very demanding change towards the automation of TIC processes, both for the areas of software construction (“Development”) and for the areas of exploitation, infrastructures or operation (“Operations”)

DevOps is not only philosophy. It is a working methodology that requires an important change in the culture of software construction.

Therefore, our objective is to consolidate certain best-practices that allow companies to achieve, little by little, that DevOps activity forms a natural part of the product creation process, of the delivery of Value.

Simplify and collaborate

Software Quality Assurance

Speed up the Time to Market


DevOps Culture

In Panel we help our clients to incorporate best-practices that allow them to achieve, step by step, that DevOps activity forms a natural part of the product creation process, of the delivery of Value. For this, we begin by consolidating the culture, defining the processes and facilitating the tools to the teams for the deployment of their work (“enablers”).

Extreme Automation

In DevOps the automation throughout the Development Cycle must be maximum. Automation will allow us to reduce production start-up times, homogenize the construction and deployment of them, and therefore improve the quality of the process of putting new features into production.

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (IC) is a DevOps practice that definitively contributes to accelerate the Time to Market, by automating part of the software production process such as packaging and software code testing iteratively.

Continuous Delivery and Deployment

The practice of Continuous Delivery and Deployment accompanies and extends the activities of Continuous Software Integration, automating as much as possible the functional verification of the software and the implementation of all the changes in the code, either in the testing environment and / or in the production.

In vfp, following the principles of our ecoLogical manufacturing, we start from the basis that the software gives its maximum value when it is in production, that is, deployed in the operating environment and giving results to who requested it.

It is the maximum requirement in the agile works: Continuous delivery of Value, continuous deployment.